We Value
Partnering with the Holy Spirit
- Theology and Practice of the Kingdom of God.
- As followers of Jesus, we want to be like him in every way, not least in doing “what we see Father doing”.
- We want to keep learning to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading, and to keep practising how to use the gifts of the Spirit in the mission of the Kingdom.
Experiencing God – Through Worship
- In worship the church is invited into a powerful, ongoing, intimate encounter with God.
- Corporate worship is often the place where people experience such intimacy first.
- Worship involves the whole of life – the way we treat others; the work we do – every facet is offered so that in everything, we bring glory to God.
Reconciling Community
- The church is to be a living sign and foretaste of the Kingdom – a ‘preview community’. We want to be that church.
- ‘Jesus’ community is entrusted with the ‘ministry of reconciliation’ – with practicing , modelling and teaching healthy relationships in a world of relational dysfunction.
Compassionate Ministry
- As it was for Jesus, it is compassion for people that engages us in rebuilding broken human beings.
- ‘The poor’ for whom the message of Jesus is good news, includes all those who acknowledge their need of God’s help.
- Compassionate ministry involves offering forgiveness of sin, healing of sickness and disease (physical, mental, spiritual), release of the oppressed (includes deliverance).
Culturally Relevant Mission
- Our chief task – ‘to make disciples of all nations’.
- Disciples of Jesus are called (first and foremost) to continue His mission in showing the love of the Father to the world.
- We are committed to growth by evangelism – winning lost people to Jesus!
- It begins locally – it continues globally. Praying, giving, going and sending – until the task is done!